
Got interesting spam? Calling all interesting spam names, spam text, spam subject lines, spam file names. Scorch Q. Regurgitation's Seltzerwater464 is your source for daily updates and news about ethereal entities, apparitions and phantoms in the spamosphere.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Spam (as American as mom and apple pie) is back with a vengeance:
Dixie Vasquez
Solomon Diamond
Zulekha Pettit
Avani Brantley
Ambrosia L. Pursers

And so is Scorch Q. Regurgitation (to work, that is) -

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

a JUICY subject line from this morning's harvest:

trihedral descant polysaccharide baggage defocus dizzy headsmen divulge bell plus monetary courtney compline coal cornwall jewett bastard conjoin

and some spam names:

Edmund Alvarez - bongos , upright bass, oud (on track 1 & 3)
Edith Hendricks - piano, Hammond organ (on track 4), harp (on track 7)
Tasha Luna - vocals (on tracks 2, 7 & 9), xylophone
Valentine McIntosh - vocals (on tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 & 10)
Odessa Schmidt - triangle (on tracks 4 & 7), tamborine (on tracks 1, 3 & 8)

Antoine Jeune - chef (on tracks 1, 2, 3 & 10)
Bertram Rutherford - latent homosexual Analytic philosopher (track 10)
Ophelia Fitzgerald - suicide theatricist (track 5)

Spam-derived band names or band members, anyone? Anyone? Anyone?

Monday, May 22, 2006


To: seltzerwater464@blahblahblah.blah
Re: Re: be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it

Friday, May 19, 2006

I was cruising through the cable channels this morning when I happened upon the "Walker Texas Ranger" channel. Have you ever noticed that Chuck Norris bears a striking resemblance to sock monkey?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Some groovy new spam names!

Fouad Pigeon
Biopsies G. Worker

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The many lives of Whitney Houston -


Whitney's crack nook:


'"'"'"He say that he want to give you flowers"'"'"'

Scorch Q. Regurgitation proudly endorses Dr. Gene Ray's for all of your spiritual, educational, economic and political needs.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Misstepped H. Excoriation
Trolled T. Underflow Thanks, Yorquie Q.!

Again, a slow week for good spam names.

Get with it already, Spammers and Spambots!

Gimme Spoems or gimme Death!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This last week has been a slow one for good, interesting, juicy spam names. Thanks to Yorquie Q. Yogini, we now have a few more:

Burbled H. Cake
Glide H. Glaswegian
Glassful B. Panegyric
Oboists S. Alloyed

Thursday, May 04, 2006

NewsFlash: spam may bring one closer to the L*rd:

"Witch doctors taking over Cyberspace":

The evolution of zombie smart spam threatens the livelihood of spam aficionados, collectors and connoisseurs:

Hat tip to Yorquie Q.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Here is a short Flash animation about spam:

I wonder if Rummy's got his patches?

Yorquie Q. had some good ones this morning:

*spam #1*******************

No sooner had he finished speaking than the old thrush gave a loud call, and immediately flew away. We may not understand him, but that old bird understands us, I am sure, said Balin. Keep watch now, and see what happens! Before long there was a fluttering of wings, and back came the thrush; and with him came a most decrepit old bird. He was getting blind, he could hardly

*spam #2********************

Dollie Ivey wrote:
> -Icrease Your Sexual Desire and Sperm volume by 500%
> -Longer orgasms - The longest most intense orgasms of your life
> -Rock hard erections - Erections like steel
> -Ejaculate like a porn star - Stronger ejaculation
> -Multiple orgasms - Cum again and again> -SPUR-M is The Newest and The Safest Way of Pharmacy
> -100% Natural and No Side Effects - in contrast to well-known brands.
> -Experience three times longer orgasms
> -World Wide shipping within 24 hours>
> commemorate pol cellular collimate ajar ardency f's intangible domesticate conductance
> dimple tupelo dial already quito crisis benefice extrude beryl
> coffman transcendental liaison pier firecracker freshmen radon protocol filly winchester atkins
> duluth loveland fore commonweal elegiac assemble carboloy huston
> geneva layup nondescript newspaper countersink butte bow barley
> domingo churchmen haggle piteous penitential spleen admitted arrear

Here are some new spam names:

Sergio Lunsford
Effervescent E. Diddled
Fluid K. Dramatizations
Altitudes R. Datives
Eschews H. Deflates
Rawness Q. Hit
Revaluing B. Dessicate