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Thursday, September 28, 2006

I hear it contains a dirty sanchez.

(Hat tip to Hegel)

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Subject: FW: Vacancy in USA (FinanceAct)
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:45:41 +0400
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And now Chris Mathews of Fox News and Condoleeza Rice discuss foreign policy in Cockney English:

Chris wallace: let's start wif the bloody big picture. Jack's Alive Donkey's Ears mashed potato, where do we stand in the chuffin' war on terror? where do we stand in the conflict against islamic extremism? secretary of Two and Eight

condoleeza rice: I fin' it's crystal that we 're safe ? safer, but not 'eaven and 'ell yet safe. and we've done a Hoppin' Pot. in terms of 'omeland, we're more secure, our ports 're more secure, our airports 're more secure. we 'ave a much stronger intelligence-sharin' operation, not just within the country, where we've broken daahhhn walls between law enforcement and intelligence agencies ter get aw of the information ter break up terrorist plots, but also across the world. we 'ave, 'eaven and 'ell, an intelligence network across the world of sharin' information. we've clearly 'urt badly the al qaeda organization that planned and plotted
and executed sept. 'len'n, capturin' many of their major field generals. chicken pen the president talked the ovver day abaht bringin' ter justice people loike abu zubaydah, people loike khalid sheik mohammed, you're 'eaven and 'ell talkin' abaht the people 'oo were at the center of that
kind of plot of 9/11. and, chris, we 're makin' progress for the long ran, in 'avin' liberated Niffty million people and then 'avin' new allies in the war on terror, loike afghanistan and, indeed, iraq.

Wallace: any failures?

Rice: 'eaven and 'ell, coytanlee. i'm Bobby there 're many things that could be done better. we would loike ter make more progress. people would always loike ter make more progress. but ...

Wallace: but aahhht specifically that ya say that, ya kna, Jack's Alive Donkey's Ears mashed potato, the war on terror 'asn't gone as 'eaven and 'ell? rice: 'istory will 'ave ter Barnaby Rudge, chris. I fin' that the record will sha that the Present and Past Jack's Alive Donkey's Ears 'ave
been Donkey's Ears of reorganizin' the united states government, reorganizin' our international alliances for this long war, and reorientin' our strategic policy toward wahn that simply will not accept the conditions in the Hey Diddle Diddle east and in ovver places that 'ave allowed
extremism ter flourish at the expense of moderation.

Wallace: aw wite. let's Rabbit and Pork abaht sum of the concerns that people 'ave. president bush calls iraq, and again this Bubble And Squeak called iraq, a central front in the war on terror. but I wanna butcher's at sum of the ovver statements made by your administration recently. and let's take a butcher's. in April, your Two and Eight department said, "al qaeda
in iraq 'as abaht wahn,000 fighters. that's abaht Jack's percent of the total insurgency." last monf, the pentagon said, "the core conflict in iraq changed into a struggle between sunni and shia extremists seekin' ter control Brenda Lee 'reas of baghdad." secretary rice, wot evidence do ya
'ave that the 'omegrahn sunnis and shia fightin' each ovver in iraq ? and, of course, that, at this point, is the vast majority of the violence ? that they 'ave any interest in attackin' the ya.s.? rice: 'eaven and 'ell, clearly, the Heap Of Coke 'oo set Frank Bough much of this sectarian violence, 'oo plotted the nation that shias should Scapa Fla after sunnis and ya should try and spark civil conflict, actually was the al qaeda leader at the nickle and dime, zarqawi, 'oo 'as...

Wallace: but 'e's gone. rice: ... been killed. well, but it was 'is strategy ? and we kna that ? ter try and set Frank Bough sectarian violence. na, we 'ave ter ask the question, why did 'e try ter do that? 'cause 'e understood and al qaeda in iraq understood that chicken pen there is a stable and democratic iraq, then their plans, the plans of al qaeda and the extremists, for a Hey Diddle Diddle east in which there is indeed sectarian violence, in which there is extremism, in which there 're repressive regimes of the taliban type, that will not be possible chicken pen there's a democratic iraq. and so, yeah, iraq is garn through very difficult times, there's nah doubt abaht that. but if ya 'ave a broad view of wot it will take ter defeat extremism, meanin' that there will 'ave ter be a different kind of environment in the Hey Diddle Diddle east, it's 'ard ter imagine that different kind of environment wif saddam 'ussein in power and iraq at the center of a nexus between terrorism and conflict.

Wallace: but I fin' 'ere's the concern a Hoppin' Pot of people 'ave. chicken pen we went in there, allegedly ter remove the weapons of mass destruction, people understood that as the war on terror. even chicken pen we deposed saddam 'ussein, people understood that as the war on terror. chicken pen we were fightin' abu musab al-zarqawi, people understood that as the war on terror. na we've got shiites fightin' sunnis, muqtada al-sadr ? these 're rivalries that Scapa Fla Hammer and Tack centuries, tribal rivalries, religious rivalries. aint we involved in a terrible case of mission creep 'ere that 'as nuffin' ter do wif the war on terror?

Rice: chris, it is the iraqis 'oo will 'ave ter settle their Jack Jones differences. and, indeed, that's why they Rabbit and Pork abaht a process of national reconciliation. that's why they're tryin' ter build security forces that bridge sectarian divides. our role, though, was ter indeed remove saddam 'ussein. and it's 'ard ter imagine that the world could possibly 'ave gotten better wif
saddam 'ussein in power, that the Hey Diddle Diddle east could possibly 'ave gotten better. ...

Wallace: is it our responsibili-y ter solve these ethnic, sectarian problems?

Rice: it is clearly iraq's responsibili-y, iraqis' responsibilities ter do that. we ...

Wallace: but we're involved in the fightin'.

Rice: 'eaven and 'ell, but we 'ave ter give them an environment in which they can do that. we 'ave ter 'elp them build security forces. we 'ave ter 'elp them build political institutions. and, chris, it would simply be Pete Tong ter say that the only problem in iraq is sectarian violence between sunnis and shia. there is Beechams Pill a considerable problem of terrorism from extremists 'oo simply wanna clock iraq be part of a Hey Diddle Diddle east in which the bin ladens of the world control, not the malikis, the moderates of the Hey Diddle Diddle east.

Wallace: meanwhile, there is afghanistan, which used ter be the safe 'aven for al qae Friday where sum of its leaders 're Beechams Pill at large. on friday, a suicide bomber? and we 'ave the Dolly Mixtures 'ere ? attacked an american military convoy in kabul, killin' 16 people. the taliban, which most americans thought we wiped aahhht Hammer and Tack in 2001, is Hammer and Tack on the march in the saarf. and nato forces, this Bubble And Squeak, 're askin' for more troops. secretary rice, why didn't we finish the Corn on the Cob in afghanistan?

Rice: 'eaven and 'ell, it was not possible, chris, ter, quote, "finish the job" in afghanistan. this is garn ter be also a long process of bringin' stabili-y ter afghanistan. we 'ave made enormous progress over the Present and Past ffour 1/2 Donkey's Ears in afghanistan. ya actually 'ave a national government that is elected in afghanistan, whose forces 're fightin' alongside of us rather than the taliban, which was bof 'arborin' al qaeda and givin' them support. ya na 'ave for the people of afghanistan the possibili-y of a better Porridge Knife. women aint bein' beaten in stadiums that were given ter the taliban by the international community. you 'ave a situation in which, yeah, the taliban is tryin' ter make a strike at the afghan government 'cause they do
not want it ter succeed. but the taliban aint garn ter succeed. and they're not garn ter succeed 'cause ya 'ave Pin' Pong nato and coalition forces and ya.s. forces that 're beatin' them Hammer and Tack. the taliban is takin' a beatin' in this. and, chris, I wanna be very crystal. the notion that someha this is a strategic threat ter the karzai government, I fin' this aint the case. ya 're talkin' abaht a taliban that is able, particularly in the saarf, ter wreak a Hoppin' Pot of 'avoc and ter brin' deaf and destruction ter civilians. but they 're bein' beaten Hammer and Tack.

Wallace: but, again ? and just this Bubble And Squeak, the Crust of Bread british commander in afghanistan, brigadier ed butler, said ? and let's put it up on the screen ? "the fightin' is extraordinarily intense. the intensity and ferocity of the fightin' is far grea-ter than in iraq on a
daily basis." i'm Bobby a Hoppin' Pot of americans 're sayin', aint it a ? we 'ad them on the ran. we 'ad the taliban completely disrupted. aint it a failure ter 'ave allowed the taliban ter regroup?

Rice: 'eaven and 'ell, na, chris, it's very 'ard ter say that we didn't expect them ter Read and
Write Hammer and Tack. of course they're garn ter Read and Write Hammer and Tack. even if they're on the ropes, they're garn ter Read and Write Hammer and Tack. and, yeah, they came Hammer and Tack somewhat more organized and somewhat more capable than people would've expected. but that's why they're bein' beaten Hammer and Tack by the nato forces that 're there. I fin' they also believed that chicken pen the united states forces moved aahhht and
nato moved in, that it would be easier ter make advances. and they're learnin' a very brutal lesson, as they encounter nato forces that 're destroyin' them in very large Cucumbers.

Wallace: I daan't 'ave ter tell ya that wahn of the criticisms of the bush administration ? we 'eard it again today from sen. jay rockefeller ? is that aw of ya manipulated intelligence ter push the country into war. i wanna discus October wahn 'rea, the issue of whether iraq 'elped al qaeda wif
weapons of mass destruction. here's wot the president said in october of

(begin video clip)
bush: we've learned that iraq 'as trained al qaeda members in bomb-makin' and poisons and deadly gases. (end video clip)

Wallace: and in march 2003, just before the invas Februarysaid, talkin' abaht iraq, "and a very Pin' Pong lin' ter trainin' al qaeda in chemical and biological techniques." but, secretary rice, a senate committee 'as just revealed that in february of 2002, months before the president spoke, more than a year, 13 months, before ya spoke, that the defense intelligence agency concluded this ? and let's put it up on the screen. "iraq is unlikely ter 'ave provided bin laden any useful cb" ? that's chemical or biological ? "knowledge or assistance." didn't ya and the president ignore intelligence that contradicted your case?

Rice: wot the president and I and ovver administration officials relied on ? and ya simply rely on the central intelligence. the director of central intelligence, george tenet, gave that very testimony, that, in fact, there were ties garn on between al qaeda and saddam 'ussein's regime garn Hammer and Tack for a decade. indeed, the 9/11 commission talked abaht contacts between the Bo-le Of Glue. we kna that zarqawi was runnin' a poisons network in iraq. we kna
that zarqawi ordered the killin' of an american diplomat in jordan from iraq. there were ties between iraq and al qaeda. na, 're we learnin' more na that we 'ave access ter people loike saddam 'ussein's intelligence services? of course we're garn ter learn more. but clearly ...
Wallace: but, secretary rice, this report, if I may, this report wasn't na. this aint after the fact. this was a defense intelligence agency report in 2002. two questions: Damien Hirst of aw, did ya kna abaht that report before ya made your statement?

Rice: chris, we relied on the reports of the national intelligence office, the nio, and of the dci. that's wot the president and 'is central decision-makers rely on. there 're ...

Wallace: did ya kna abaht this report?

Rice: ... intelligence reports and conflictin' intelligence reports aw the nickle and dime. that's why we 'ave an intelligence system that brings those together into a unified assessment by the intelligence community of wot we're lookin' at. that particular report I daan't remember seein'. but there 're often conflictin' intelligence reports. i just wanna refer ya, though, ter the testimony of the dci at the nickle and dime abaht the activities. ...

Wallace: that's the Crust of Bread of central intelligence.

Rice: yeah, Crust of Bread of central intelligence ? that were garn on between al qaeda and between iraq. but let me make a broader point. the notion, someha ? and i've 'eard this ? the notion, someha, that the world would be better Frank Bough wif saddam 'ussein Beechams Pill in power seems ter me quite ludicrous. saddam 'ussein 'ad gone ter war against 'is neighbors twice,
causin' more than a million deaths. 'e 'ad dragged us into a war in 1991 'cause 'e invaded 'is neighbor kuwait. we were Beechams Pill at war wif 'im in 1998 chicken pen we used american forces ter try and disable 'is weapons of mass destruction. we went ter war again wif 'im, day in and day aahhht, as 'e shot at our aircraft tryin' ter patrol no-fly zones. this was a mass murderer of more than 300,000 of 'is Jack Jones people, usin' weapons of mass destruction. the united states and a coalition of allies finally brought daahhhn wahn of the most brutal dictators in the Hey Diddle Diddle east and wahn of the most dangerous dictators in the Hey Diddle Diddle
east, and we're better Frank Bough for it.

Wallace: we 'ave abaht a Cock Linnet left, and I wanna get into wahn Present and Past 'rea. there 'ave been several stories this Bubble And Squeak that ya prevailed over vice president cheney in the debate over whether or not ter pull these whistle and pop, 'igh-valued prisoners, loike zubaydah and khalid sheik mohammed, aahhht of the cia prisons. also, reports that ya na 'ave more claht wif the president than vice president cheney 'cause of mistakes in judgment 'e made in the Damien Hirst term. -ave ya replaced ...

Rice: oh, I fin' these 're ...

Wallace: ... the vice president?

Rice: these 're truly among most of the ridiculous stories. these stories float 'round washington ? who's up, who's daahhhn. the vice president remains a crucial adviser ter the president. 'is role is different than me role. but not only is 'e a crucial adviser ter the president, in whom the president relies, but 'e's also someone on whom aw of us rely, includin' me, for advice and counsel 'cause of 'is mother's pearly gate experience and 'cause of 'is mother's pearly gate wisdom on these issues. na, these stories 're simply ridiculous.

Wallace: ya ain't replaced the vice president as the president's whistle and pop foreign policy adviser?

Rice: i'm the secretary of Two and Eight, chris. I 'ave a different role from the vice president. but let's remember 'oo ultimately makes the decisions on foreign policy. it's the president of the united states 'imself.

Wallace: we're garn ter 'ave ter leef it there. secretary rice, Arfur J Shanks for comin' in. ...

Rice: thank ya.

Wallace: ... and Arfur J Shanks for givin' us your perspective on this fiff anniversary.

Rice: thank ya.

Wallace: Mr. President, welcome to Fox News Sunday.
Clinton: Thanks.
Wallace: In a recent issue o' Th' New Yorker ye say, quote,
I'm 60 years barnacle-covered and I damn near visited Davey Jones' Locker, and I'm worried about how many lives I can save before I do visit Davey Jones' Locker.
Be that what drives ye in yer effort to help in these developing countries?
Clinton: Aye, I really - but I don't mean - that sounds sort o' morbid when ye say it like that. I mean, I actually...
Wallace: That's how ye said it.
Clinton: Aye, but th' way I said it, th' tone in which I said it was actually almost whimsical and humorous. That be, this be what I love to do. It be what I think I should do.
That be, I have had a wonderful life. I got to be president. I got to live th' life o' me dreams. I dodged a bullet with that heart problem. And I really think I should - I think I owe it to me fellow countrymen and people throughout th' world to spend time saving lives, solving problems, helping people see th' future.
But as it happens, I love it. I mean, I feel it's a great gift. So, it's a rewarding way to spend me life.
Wallace: Someone asked ye - and I don't want to, again, be too morbid, but this be what ye said. He asked ye if ye could wind up doing more good as a former president than as a president, and ye said, Only if I live a long time.
Clinton: Aye, that's true.
Wallace: How do ye rate, compare th' powers o' being in office as president and what ye can do out o' office as a former president?
Clinton: Well, when ye be president, ye can operate on a much broader scope. So, for example, ye can simultaneously be trying to belay a genocide in Kosovo and, ye be knowin', make peace in th' Middle East, pass a budget that gives millions o' kids a chance to have afterschool programs and has a huge increase in college aid at home. In other words, ye've got a lot o' different moving parts, and ye can move them all at once.
But ye're also more at th' mercy o' events. That be, President Bush did not run for president to deal with 9/11, but once it happened it wasn't as if he had an option.
Once I looked at th' economic - I'll give ye a much more mundane example. Once I looked at th' economic data, th' new data aft I won th' election, I realized that I would have to work much harder to reduce th' deficit, and therefore I would have less doubloons in me first year to invest in things I wanted to invest in.
Wallace: So what be it that ye can do as a former president?
Clinton: So what ye can do as a former president be - ye don't have th' wide range o' power, so ye have to concentrate on fewer things. But ye be less at th' mercy o' unfolding events.
I used this English->Pirate translator:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I thought that the GOP wanted to hold on to Chafee in order to retain their majority in the Senate?

Very strange.
From: GOPUSA Friends To: gopusafriends@gopusa.comSubject: CFIF: Chafee Killing John Bolton Nomination: Fight Back!Date: 19 Sep 2006 19:35:14 -0000
Center for Individual Freedom

It's sickening!
"Republican In Name Only" (RINO) Senator Lincoln Chafee is about to scuttle the confirmation of John Bolton as Ambassador to the United Nations!
In fact, a vote that was supposed to occur to advance the nomination of John Bolton -- the tough-talking, no-nonsense U.S. Ambassador the United Nations -- DID NOT happen because of Chafee's opposition.
You know Lincoln Chafee!
He's the Rhode Island Senator who practically inherited his seat from his father -- he has consistently worked AGAINST the conservative agenda that a majority of Americans want.
Chafee has fought AGAINST tax cuts, he thumbs his nose at demands to control out-of-control spending, he's been a squish on national defense; you name the issue and Chafee's name always comes up as an ally to the liberal opposition!
And now, he's also the Senator who is working to defeat John Bolton's confirmation!
It's hard to deduce exactly what Chafee is scheming. Indeed, according to a survey released by the Hudson Institute...
75% of Americans believe the U.N. is no longer "effective" and "needs to be held more accountable."
71% believe the U.N. "needs to be considerably reformed."
67% believe "there are too many undemocratic nations in the U.N. that do not care about promoting democracy and freedom."
Only 37% believe the U.N. is "effective in PREVENTING wars and military conflicts."
Only 32% believe the UN is "effective in ENDING wars and military conflicts."
And, here's the kicker: A majority of Americans, a whopping 57%, "now believe the United Nations should be scrapped and replaced if it cannot be reformed and made more effective," according to the survey.
John Bolton's views on the United Nations are in step with those of the American people. And during his recess appointment, Bolton has shown that he won't back down to the U.N. bureaucrats and dictators who hate America.
Lincoln Chafee may THINK he has stopped Bolton's nomination cold.
But Chafee forgot one very important thing.
He forgot about YOU! He forgot about the diligence of the American people!
And with your help -- he's going to THINK AGAIN!
One thing is certain: If Bolton isn't confirmed in the next two weeks -- there is a very good chance that he will be forced to step down and step aside, as his recess appointment will expire soon after Congress adjourns.
And if that happens, liberals like Teddy Kennedy and John Kerry and Kofi Annan will raise their glasses in celebration and whoop and holler with joy!
And we are just not ready to take defeat -- not at the hands of a RINO Senator!

Use the hyperlink below to send your URGENT Blast Fax messages to President Bush, Republican In Name Only Senator Lincoln Chafee -- as well as the remaining 9 Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- and the Republican leaders of the United States Senate!
Tell them that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Demand that Chafee be disciplined for this betrayal of his party and the American people and -- if necessary -- demand they strip Chafee of his committee assignments.
And furthermore, remind these Senators that John Bolton MUST be confirmed in the next two weeks at all costs and by any means necessary. Remind them that an election is coming up in less than 60 days and that the American people are sick and tired of the stalls and obstructions on the Bolton nomination -- especially stalls and obstructions that come from so-called Republicans!
If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

What's Chafee Up To?
Chafee claims he isn't objecting to Bolton personally.
So why is he opposing Bolton's nomination? Is it because he disagrees with America's friendship with Israel -- until recently the only democracy in the Middle East? In a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Chafee wrote that the Bush "road map" for peace in the Middle East:
"...states clearly that Israel will freeze all settlement activity. Yet, just this week, it is reported that 690 homes will be built in West Bank settlements of Maale Adumim and Betar Illit. While the official US policy has been against settlement activity, no credible observer could think that the US could not do more to stop these new actions."
In the concluding paragraph of this extortion letter, Chafee told Secretary Rice:
"It is my hope that answers will be forthcoming about our policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the Committee can reconvene to debate Ambassador Bolton's nomination."
In other words: "If you don't do things my way, Bolton goes down. Period... End of discussion."Just who does Lincoln Chafee think he is? Right now John Bolton is more important to the future of this country than Lincoln Chafee will ever be!And the liberal media, Washington know-it-alls and bloggers are in agreement. They think Chafee has killed the Bolton nomination.
Well -- think again -- because NOW is the time to let Senator Chafee know that the American people are in charge, and we want John Bolton confirmed!
Use the hyperlink below to send your URGENT Blast Fax messages to President Bush, Republican In Name Only Senator Lincoln Chafee -- as well as the remaining 9 Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- and the Republican leaders of the United States Senate!
Tell them that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Demand that Chafee be disciplined for this betrayal of his party and the American people and -- if necessary -- demand they strip Chafee of his committee assignments.
And furthermore, remind these Senators that John Bolton MUST be confirmed in the next two weeks at all costs and by any means necessary. Remind them that an election is coming up in less than 60 days and that the American people are sick and tired of the stalls and obstructions on the Bolton nomination -- especially stalls and obstructions that come from so-called Republicans!

If the above hyperlink does not function, please copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

Et Tu Chafee?
A year ago, obstructionist liberals blocked Bolton's nomination by threatening a filibuster.
President Bush countered this ploy by giving Bolton an interim appointment. And the liberals screamed bloody murder:
Ted Kennedy called this appointment an "abuse of power... a devious maneuver... [that] further darkens the cloud over Mr. Bolton's credibility at the U.N."Harry Reid, Democratic Minority Leader, cried that Bolton was a "seriously flawed and weakened candidate."Chuck Schumer said the belief that Bolton didn't deserve to be at the United Nations "goes way beyond Democrats and partisan issues."
Obviously Schumer knew something. Because this year, Chafee is doing Schumer and Reid and Kennedy's dirty work for them.
The liberals' long knives were out for a long time, but just as John Bolton's hour of greatest need approached, Chafee sneaked up behind him and stabbed him in the back!
A betrayal like that should NOT go unanswered!
Use the hyperlink below to send your URGENT Blast Fax messages to President Bush, Republican In Name Only Senator Lincoln Chafee -- as well as the remaining 9 Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- and the Republican leaders of the United States Senate!
Tell them that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Demand that Chafee be disciplined for this betrayal of his party and the American people and -- if necessary -- demand they strip Chafee of his committee assignments.
And furthermore, remind these Senators that John Bolton MUST be confirmed in the next two weeks at all costs and by any means necessary. Remind them that an election is coming up in less than 60 days and that the American people are sick and tired of the stalls and obstructions on the Bolton nomination -- especially stalls and obstructions that come from so-called Republicans!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Moll Thompson
Tristan Gardner
Aurora Tucker
Tommy Lake
Beck Neal
Jenny Petty
Lois Lindsay
Wat Ho
Hubert Hardner

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Suchstatistics as have been published are notoriously partial andunreliable.
The German Government is combing the country for scrap. Naturally, I cannot disclosetheir identity.
Thus every phase of German preparedness, military or otherwise,has been shrouded in mystery. For the rest, silence, save when a pair met. This brings us to one sharp difference of opinion I encountered on themilitary situation.
It does mean,however, that the Government is looking ahead and is taking nochances.
The question is, Are they absolutely in the pink, or arethey a bit overtrained? Throughout those four ghastly years the morale of theGerman people was superb.
The Rumanian oilfields are on the decline. But he is hospitably received and welltreated. And throughout the months spentthere I did my best to get the answer. Anyhow, an acute shortage is unlikely to develop in theimmediate future.
But I didnt get the conclusive answer I sought. The question is, Are they absolutely in the pink, or arethey a bit overtrained? Under these limitations, I shall try toanalyze Germanys war situation.
Yet, from my stay in Germany,I envisage a more terrifying possibility.
The whole atmosphere of the place was uncannily mysterious.
Outstanding in this categoryis the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia. Furthermore, the house-rules are clearly explained to him bythe guest-warden who has him in charge. We now come to the crucial problem of oil, the weakest spot inGermanys industrial armor.
Obviously, this vital source of supply must atall costs be maintained. Two orthree small blue lights, spaced at intervals, indicated the entranceto Ministries.
The German Government is combing the country for scrap.
This does not prove thatGermany is today faced with a crucial iron shortage.
None of those I talked to would say very much. Such an invasion, however, even thoughsuccessful, might on balance do Germany more harm than good.
Outstanding in this categoryis the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia. None of those I talked to would say very much. Unless, of course, those munitions wereearmarked for quick use on a major scale.
The principle of private initiative has beenmaintained. UnlikeCommunists, Nazis are not obsessed by dogma; neither are they enamoredof logic. Many of these foreign residents werespecialists with a wealth of technical information.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My pet
Toss it
an oat.

(you know what I am talking about)